No matter how financially secure you may be, it is always helpful to engage in some financial planning to ensure you maintain that comfortable state of affairs. And while having significant financial resources can make many aspects of life easier, having those resources can make it more difficult to manage them all. One of the major risks involving financial management is ensuring that none of what you earn is lost through excessive tax penalties or a misunderstanding of proper gifting procedures and regulations. Because the consequences can be quite severe, hiring an attorney skilled in asset protection is a must. For asset protection assistance throughout Florida, contact Elaine Schwartz, who has more than three decades of experience practicing in the state.
Although not everyone has a dire need for asset protection, every can benefit from asset protection consultation with a knowledgeable lawyer. This is because so many assets — trust funds, insurance policies, pension plans, planned gifts — are potentially subject to taxes and creditors. However, keeping track of all of the regulations and limitations on gifting and investments can be a full-time job. If you’d like to enjoy the fruits of your earnings and assets rather than pore over them in an attempt to manage them yourself, consult a skilled asset protection attorney.
No matter what your priorities and interests in asset protection, you can find an appropriate strategy by speaking with an asset protection attorney. An insightful asset protection attorney can help you choose the most appropriate vehicle for meeting your needs, from staving off creditors’ claims to avoiding costly estate taxes. Your asset protection attorney can also help you plan for medical expenses in the event of nursing home placement or protecting property in divorce. You may find that a combination of asset protection strategies is best, so your lawyer may recommend devices such as irrevocable trusts, incorporation, or offshore spendthrift trusts.
Asset protection is an important consideration, and waiting to act on the issue can result in significant financial losses. Whether you are a business owner, doctor, entrepreneur or simply want more control and security in your finances and your financial future, consider talking to an asset protection attorney. Such a professional can help keep your assets safe for you and future generations.